Tuesday 11th May - Thursday 14th May

Learn the step by step formula to find and sign high ticket clients with ease without needing to spend thousands on ads or hours on social media every day. 

Rinse and repeat this strategy so you can grow your service based business in 2021.

Sign up to my FREE challenge!

Tuesday 11th May - Thursday 14th May

Don't Miss Out...

There's not long to go until we start!









What We Will Be Covering In This FREE Challenge:


I do NOT mess around when it comes to delivering ALL of the knowledge in my coaching sessions. 

Your Money Mindset


Tuesday 11th May @ 5pm UK Time

Ready to start earning those 5k+ months? OF COURSE YOU ARE...BUT you need the mindset to go with it.

On our first day we will be digging down to understand your money stories to see why you're holding yourself back from charging your worth. 

I'll teach you strategies to develop your money AND success mindset so you can massively grow your business, quickly. 

Niching Down Your

Wednesday 12th May @ 5pm UK Time

Are you speaking to everyone right now?

Are you trying to sign any client that will have you?

Are you sharing content on IG regularly but not getting any leads?

We'll deep dive into the importance of niching down your offer and services, so that you can develop a killer content strategy and packages that ATTRACT your ideal clients.

Turning Your Followers Into Paying Clients

Thursday 13th May @ 5pm UK Time

The number of followers you have is irrelevant if you're not able to MONETISE your audience.

Worry less about your follower number increasing and focus more on your revenue. 

This training will teach you the steps needed to start turning your followers into paying clients.

£5k+ months here you come!

And That's Not All!!

There will be some EPIC prizes up for grabs too!

- 1:1 intensive with me
- Access to my Instagram growth course 
- 3 wealth consciousness books that helped me scale to 30k months

Sign Up Now And Receive All Of These LIVE Coaching Sessions For FREE!

The service based industry is about to change in a BIG way.

Whether you’ve been struggling to find and sign your first or next high ticket clients or are brand new to business and have no idea how to find clients that can pay you.. 2021 can be the big breakthrough year you’ve been waiting for.

So much has changed and there is nothing but room at the top for service based business owners who are prepared to take advantage of these shifts. 

Join me and learn what it takes to repeatedly find and sign high ticket clients with ease and grow a successful in 2021 and beyond. 

This challenge is for you if: 

- You’re an existing service based business owner that is struggling to consistently sign HIGH paying clients

- You’re a complete newbie business owner and want to learn how to find clients that will pay for your services

- You want to learn how to make your business scalable so that you can rinse and repeat the same strategies each month

Sign Up Here!

A personal invitation from Giulia.

I’ve been signing high ticket clients for the last 3+ years. 

My monthly fee’s started at £500 a month and now are £12,000+ and counting. I’ve discovered the exact ingredients that differentiate a wildly successful service based business from one that never really gets off the ground.

This FREE 3 day challenge is a culmination of EVERYTHING I’ve learned in growing and scaling a multi six figure business.

If you’re committed to making 2021 the year you finally launch or grow your service based business so that you can start experiencing financial freedom, then I can’t wait to slash that learning curve and help you get there faster and more profitably!

See you There,
Giulia x

Is this you right now?

🤯 Stressed out 
because you have no idea how to do it?

😟 Worried because your just about making ends meet each month?

😨 Excited but scared of failing at the same time?

👀 Fed up of winging it with no strategy or plan for success?

😤 Frustrated that there’s so many things to think about and you don’t know where to start?

Then what are you waiting for?!

This FREE training will give you all of the tools you need to scale and grow you business to the new heights that you are dreaming of.

🙅‍♀️ Don't wait for a miracle.

🙅‍♀️ Don't wait until you are so stressed that you aimlessly throw money at a problem hoping that something will stick.

🙅‍♀️ Don't wait until you are burnt out and stuck, wishing you had never even started.

✨ Take the step that future you will thank you for ✨

Don't miss out on this EPIC free training. 

All you need to do it pop your info below and you'll receive the details straight into your inbox.